Matching Gifts
Many companies have programs that match all or part of their employees' philanthropic donations. Some employers extend this benefit to retired employees. Before making your next gift to Barbers Hill ISD Education Foundation, check with your employer to determine its policy on matching gifts. To initiate the process, you should obtain a matching gift form from your employer and send it to Barbers Hill ISD Education Foundation with your gift or pledge. The Foundation will complete the matching gift process and send both the donor and the company receipts for tax purposes. Please email gift forms from your employer to Amber Young, BHEF Coordinator.
The Foundation generates financial support for education programs that are not available through the normal operating budget of Barbers Hill ISD. Funds are used for programs and activities that facilitate student achievement, recognize and encourage staff excellence, and provide vital links between the community and the classroom.
Barbers Hill ISD Education Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501c(3) organization operating independently of the school district while maintaining a collaborative relationship. You will receive a gift receipt denoting the value of your gift for tax reporting purposes.